Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Letter #'s

I think this first letter number is my best because it's hard to pick out what it is and it has some cool triangles and angles. And it all seems to flow in a weird way. Plus it looks cool.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

1st Blog

Commercial Art to me is designing logo's or a brand on a computer. Graphic design I think would be putting different objects and colors together to make a picture for a company logo. I see commercial art/graphic design everyday going to and from school. You probably see so many different designs today than you probably would 25 years ago. Since computers came out and designing on the computer people have had a lot more options to play around with designs and different colors to fit what they want. I think the pontiac design influences me because I drive a pontiac and they are good cars. I also like the yamaha design, even thought I don't have a yamaha quad I still think its cool. The Detroit tigers also have a awesome logo and I like watching them almost everyday.